Pantry Staples

Foundational recipes that make baking in a keto kitchen so much easier!

  • Pantry Staples,  Recipes

    How About A Nut-Free Keto Flour Substitute?

    A NEW KETO PROTEIN FLOUR! In the keto world it’s rare to see a substitute for all purpose flour that is a nut-free keto flour. Usually, we use almond flour, coconut flour, flax meal, and a whole variety of fiber powders to attempt to recreate baked goods that we once enjoyed before embarking on a keto way of life.  I have my own low carb baking blend that I’ve used with tremendous success over the years. It’s fantastic for converting all my old recipes into keto friendly versions. And I still use my baking blend to this day! On a seemingly unrelated note, there is a phenomenon in the keto…

  • Pantry Staples,  Recipes

    What About a Keto Tortilla Replacement?

    When you shift to a keto friendly lifestyle, you have to put in a little leg work to replace those old standbys or you may derail your progress. So what about having a keto tortilla replacement? How often did you grab tortillas before going keto?  Tortillas are one of those pantry staples that we kept in our kitchen at all times.  Don’t know what to make for dinner? Tacos, fajitas, or wraps… dinner is done. Or when kids are squawking about being hungry… melt some cheese on a tortilla and make a cheese roll-up. But when you shift to a keto lifestyle, flour and corn tortillas are out of bounds.…

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  • Bakery,  Pantry Staples,  Recipes


    Who doesn’t love a warm goody single serve chocolate chip cookie! I love whipping up a sweet little treat at the end of the day as a dessert to enjoy while relaxing with my husband. It’s even better that I make single serve desserts so that I’m not doing what I call “fly-bys” all day long. Those can get me in trouble fast! So I see tremendous value in having just one of something to close out my eating window.  But I do get a little irritated with how long it can take to get out all the different ingredients, measure each one out, and then clean it up while my…