
Boosted Creamsicle Sipper

What on earth is “Boosted”? If you’ve traipsed around the Trim Healthy Mama world any time within the past year or so, you’ve definitely heard the term “boosted”. It’s in reference to a powerhouse powder from the baobab fruit.

Baobab has loads of vitamin c, antioxidants, and fiber for days. I was blessed with a fall cold (thank you 2nd daughter) and was feeling desperate for some tasty vitamin c but didn’t want to go the trouble of making the infamous “Singing Canary Sipper” from Trim Healthy Mama.

Don’t get me wrong! It’s a fabulous sipper (and technically it was my “gateway beverage” into the world of THM), but it can be more work than I have energy at times. I was playing around with some baobab powder one day, mixed it with a few other simple ingredients in my pantry and voila, the Boosted Creamsicle Sipper!

I really love the creamsicle flavor this has and I feel confident I’m getting a good dose quality nutrition my body needs anytime I choose this sipper. I’d love to know what you think about this drink!

Boosted Creamsicle Sipper

I love creamsicles and I love baobab powder… With this sipper, I get to enjoy both at the same time! And it’s in the Trim Healthy Mama Sipper category (even better!) so you can drink on it all day long!

Boosted Creamsicle Concentrate

  • 1 part baobab powder
  • 1 part water
  • Splash vanilla
  • 2 parts apple cider vinegar

Boosted Creamsicle Sipper

  • 1/4 cup Boosted Creamsicle Concentrate
  • 1/4 cup unsweetened, original almond milk
  • 1 1/2 cups club soda
  • Stevia to taste

Boosted Creamsicle Concentrate

  1. Mix all ingredients together well. 

  2. Store in sealed bottle or jar in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.

Boosted Creamsicle Sipper

  1. In a pint jar or glass, pour in your concentrate. Add the almond milk and stevia. Mix together well.

  2. Slowly, pour club soda into the jar/glass and mix carefully to prevent it bubbling over the rim. Enjoy! 

I prefer this sipper to be room temperature however, feel free to add ice if you prefer it cold! Also, to bump up the citrus flavor, consider adding a drop of orange essential oil (do your research first about ingesting essential oils and make this decision for yourself!).