I’ve received a few requests to share how I make the egg white protein bread on my YouTube channel. With so many great options and recipes on the inter webs, I was reluctant to share my specific recipe. This is just what I’ve found that works well for me and nets me the results I want. Take all my measurements as a jump-off point and see what works well in your environment and what you like best! https://youtu.be/4v3sgpVi78c This high protein, low carb, and low fat bread serves as a fantastic bread substitute for those of us following a wheat-free way of eating! This rivals my Keto Bread as it's…
Dairy free chocolate ice cream seems like something that’ll be an icy disappointment. It certainly doesn’t sound delicious, or creamy. So how could it be? Well, the culinary wonder that is egg whites swoops in to become more than it is. https://youtu.be/w3Se0j5L7sE Here's a PSMF (Protein Sparing Modified Fast) friendly, dairy free ice cream option for those days you want something sweet but want to stick to a leaner protein day!